Monday, 28 March 2022

Gardening Etc


Gardening Etc

The front of the house is looking quite good now, with crocus, daffodils, narcissi an irises all in bloom, as wellas the marigolds and geum I have planted  against the trees opposite. I’ve cemented stones onthe edge of the road around the trees to hold back the used compost I’ve been dumping there for the last few year. It means the compost is now deep enough for plants to survive there andn with a bit of fertiliser added, possibly thrive. The photos are of the front of the house, my kifchen window and the plots around the base of the trees. The bulbs will have finished flowering in a couple of weeks so I’ll have to think what to put in to replace them.

More gardening is on the horizon. A patch of waste ground which the village owns that was going to be a parking area for mobile homes has now been turned into a grass area and 20 allotments. Two of the allotmentsare for the school and the rest for villagers so I’ve put my name down for one  I should know in mid-April if I have got one. If so I’ll grow a mixture of flowers and vegetables.

This is the time of the year when the first flush of colour is at its peak ; There are banks of primroses and violets in shady areas in the wild and forsythia and japonica bushes by the roadsides. These too will have finished flowering in a couple of weeks although the irises will continue for another month or so. The first locally grown strawberries and asparagus are in the shops and markets so it’s the strat of what everyone hopes will be a good summer and the first normal one for three years.