Saturday, 25 August 2012

Website (Mostly)

For the last two weeks we have had temperatures of 35-38 degrees. That's the kind of heat that you keep out of after midday until the evening. What's more, we haven't had any rain worth mentioning for two months now. Needless to say, everywhere is looking dried up and dusty, not to say absolutely fried. The hanging baskets and pots on the balcony, despite regular watering, are essentially done for. This evening we actually did have a storm and rain but only for about an hour. We could do with a couple of days solid of that and I suspect that the local vineyards are praying for it; the grape harvest this year should be good quality given the sun we've had but some rain would add volume.

However, fortunately for me, it hasn't been idle time for my interpreters. Stuck indoors to stay cool, they have decided to get translating and so have completed most of the pages in French and Dutch. I'm very grateful to them.

The website still needs a bit of work such as additions to the accommodation and miscellaniae sections and I need to take more photos before I go public. However, I'm feeling that I've definitely made progress. I've shown it to one or two village friends and their reactions have been positive. One thing that I learned through Claudine, who has been doing the French version, is that “miscellaniae” or “miscellany”, which I thought was pretty universal, is not recognised by the French; we discussed this and Claudine suggested “pot pourri”, which I think works well.

If any readers of this blog want to take a look, the site in its current state can be found at

When my mother was alive, I used to beat my brains to think of something to say when I phoned her each day. It took quite an effort to stop the conversation stalling. Now I keep thinking a) I haven't phoned my mother yet today, and b) I must remember to tell my mother about this or that.  

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