Brexit Credo
Should a country be
united? Obviously it helps greatly as far as stable government is
concerned, and it certainly did formerly, in time of war, although
«the people» will be little concerned in any future war except as
recipients as whatever is thrown at them. Cannon fodder is no longer
required. But there will probably be a wide range of opinions in any
country on any subject of national importance. So, for stable
government, which is desirable, how are wide divisions to be avoided?
In the past the
obvious wide divisions have generally been between the nobles and the
rest of the populace. Nobles held the power and the means to stop
the populace usurping it. Throughout the 20th century, revolutions
and progresssive moves to democracy of various kinds mean that that power
has been eroded; yet deep divisions remain. So what is the basis of
them? Class, being noble or not, is clearly not it. I would argue
that the current basis for these deep divisions is wealth, the
much-discussed wealth gap which has been widening in most western
countries for decades now, and has always been even wider in
economically developing countries.
Wealth is power, in
many senses if not all. And if wealth is the new overriding power,
how do the wealthy hang on to it and prevent the general populace
getting a larger share of it, as they must want to do? They can't do
it by right, as the former nobles could, since revolutions and moves
towards democracy have got in the way, hurdles the wealthy must
circumvent. So how can the wealthy best circumvent these hurdles
whilst keeping the general populace, if not overtly on their side
(why should they be that?) then effectively so? There has to be an
appeal to what the general populace will identify with. Therein we
have the requirements: messages the general populace will identify
with and the means to deliver these messages.
The most obvious
appeal to the general populace will be a greater share of the general
wealth, but that runs counter to the wealthy keeping their wealth.
So what else might appeal to the general populace? In a generally
benign society there will be a a general fund of goodwill; nobody
will automatically think of naked self-interest as a motivation;
rather people will think of different views of what the general
interest might be. So, if naked self-interest of the wealthy is the
goal, what could the messages be? Patriotism is a strong
possibility, especially if an enemy to patriotism (traitors,
saboteurs, terrorists) can be invoked. Religion is another, if a
broad appeal or a narrow target can be found. A third is any
potential danger to the general populaces' status quo, however meagre
(e.g. uncontrolled external influence). And a fourth is the idea of
taking control, control that will allow people the possibility of
improving their lives.
Those are enough
messages so the remaining question is how to promulgate them.
Obviously the need is to take control of the media most seen and read
by the general populace and through them promulgate the required
messages. If those are in the control of the wealthy, who want above
all to retain their wealth, then the job is done.
As it has been, I