Summer Already?
The weather seems to
be ahead of itself this year. Spring does not last long here but
already the primroses, japonica and forsythia bushes and all the
spring bulbs have finished their blooming and now we have a show of
irises, wisteria, tamarisk and Judas trees and coronilla and poppies
in the wild. I've already planted the hanging baskets that I don't
usually plant until May. No doubt there are still cold and wet days
to come, helped on by the Mistral, but sun and warmth are already
predominant. Several of my clematises have buds on them about to open
and two of my red roses in the front already have their first blooms.
Gaps in the flowers at the back have almost all been filled and it's
all looking promising.
Friend Steve and I
wrapped up the English conversation classes for a month on Tuesday:
we'll restart at the end of the month and carry on until mid-June
before stopping for the summer. The group kindly treated us and
Steve's wife Jo to dinner at the local Tilleuls restaurant the
following Thursday and it turned out to be a very enjoyable evening
with all of us together and good food and wine. «Les anglophones»
as Steve and I refer to them have become a social group as well as an
English class, which I find doubly rewarding. The group's confidence
with English and their fluency is improving all the time which has
thrown the spotlight on pronunciation; misprononced English spoken
quickly is more difficult for Steve and I to decipher than the same
spoken slowly. Sounding «h»s is a well known problem for the
French but English vowel sounds, the dipthongs, need a lot of work
too. I've bought a dictaphone device so that we can record and play
back what the mispronunciations. We haven't used it yet but plan to
do so when we restart.
The local growers of
strawberries and asparagus have put up their roadside stalls,
resulting in a halving of the price. That should mean a reasonably
priced supply of strawberries through until July, although the
asparagus won't last that long. The orchard trees are still mostly in
full flower although some, probably the almond trees, have been
dropping their petals. Anyway the local fruit season has started so
I will be able to indulge my addiction to fruit for the next few
Some months ago I
bought a bottle of port, simply because it was discounted and cheap,
and thought I'd use it for cooking. Then I couldn't think what to
cook with it. However I recently noticed tins of pork cooked with
prunes in the local supermarket and thought pork and prunes might
work with port. I cooked it yesterday and everybody thought it was
good so I'll do it again a couple of times until I use up the port. I
can't remember ever having meat with prunes in England but the French
cook veal with prunes also and that works well too.
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