The NHS, Naylor
Report And The Election
The suggested, by
the Leave campaign, £350 million for the NHS if the UK left the EU
is now generally accepted as the lie that it always was. Some,
however, still think that there should be some extra money for the
NHS. The Naylor Report nails (sic) that. Theresa May's assertion
that she will implement the Naylor Report means that not only is
there not £350 million extra for the NHS there is actually no extra
money at all, not even a penny. NHS Trusts will first have to sell
of any property assets they have (buildings, land) if they want extra
money. All NHS assets are to be transferred to a new body, NHS
Properties. The government will then double, for the NHS Trust in
question, whatever sum is raised by the sale of its asset, up to a
total of £10 billion for all NHS Trusts. This will be trumpeted as
a further £10 billion investment in the NHS. NHS Property Services
is to be run by a person with strong connections to American
Let's take an
example. An NHS Trust strapped for cash and urgently in need for
more (all of them?) has an asset worth £20 million. It very
urgently needs at least some of that money and so must sell,
urgently. What is the negotiating position of a potantial buyer? The
buyer could say: «We'll give you just £10 million, then the
government will give you another £10 million, and so you will get
the £20 million you need». That must look like daylight robbery to
the NHS Trust involved but it can't wait and the investor can. So
what happens? With competition for the asset, most probably some compromise is reached (£12 million
say, even £15 million?) and so the investor gets a bargain. The
overall result? The NHS Trust loses something and the investor gets
rich. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Those who bought the
£350 million on the side of that famous bus now must know that they
were conned. The to-be-trumpeted £10 billion investment in the NHS
is another con. The principal referendum conmen are now senior
government figures. They are good at conning; it makes them
successful. So do you think they are going to stop doing it? If you
like being conned, vote for them; you can be sure you will be conned in the future.
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