Sunday, 24 February 2019

The EU Has To Be Destroyed

The EU Has To Be Destroyed
This, I conclude, is most probably the goal of the main force behind Brexit: the money; the money from the UK, Russia and America that paid (fraudulently) for the campaigns in favour of Brexit. That is not speculation, we know that those countries were the source of the expenditure and that the expenditure was a so-far unprosecuted fraud.. That is established fact. So who was behind the money?

What do we know about the sources of the money? Not a lot; some of the individuals (e.g. Arron Banks) and some of the companies (e.g. Wetherspoons, Dyson) and where some of the money went (e.g. Cambridge Analytica) but it's an incomplete picture. However, what we do know leads me to hazard a conspiracy theory. The base premise is that the mega-rich, people or organisations worth a billion or more (i.e. that excludes all simply rich people), have formed some kind of collective alliance Previously they haven't been very active politically, certainly not visibly as a collective. They haven't needed to be because there has been sufficient mobility of assets, residency, etc, to suit their purposes. But that situation is changing. The EU, the richest single market in the world, very attractive for investments from the mega-rich, is imposing obstacles to even greater riches for them.

What they all want is to make more money (quite reasonably) and to keep more of the money they make (not so reasonably, to avoid taxation). Hence their ideal scenario is one in which labour is cheap and unprotected (low wages, little or no redundancy, pension and holiday entitlement) and taxation is low. That is all very reasonable from their point of view but the diametric opposite of what the workforce wants. The EU has protected the rights of the workforce and promises even more legislation to do so; it has also introduced legislation to prevent tax avoidance and will quite possible tighten that, depending on how effective the initial legislation is. So the EU, as a block, is an impediment to the mega-rich. Less tightly coupled, many of the individual countries will still be rich markets to invest in but won't have the binding worker protection and tax avoidance rules. So the EU as a block has to be destroyed.

Purely as an aside, this of course did not appear in the Leave campaign manifesto nor was it the reason that many poor people voted for it.

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