Taburin is a comic strip created by Jacques Sempé, one of my
favourite cartoonists, who displays a very dry sense of humour. The
comic strip was made into a film last year and and the film was shot
in Mollans, a good part of it in my very road and not 100 yards from
my house. So of course I went to see it when it was shown in the
local cinema in Buis last week.
story line is typical Sempé, about a Frenchman who suffers the
ultimate disgrace for one of his nationality: he can't ride a bike.
In the film he is befriended by another man, a photographer who
doesn't know how to take photos. In one delightful scene he is being
cosied up to by a lady who clearly wants a declaration of love. He
becomes coy, says it is very difficult for him to say what he wants
to say, says he has never told it to anybody before, and with the
lady all encouraging smiles and expectation, finally blurts out that
he can't ride a bike. A tragic end to the budding romance!
It's a
truly delightful film, and not just because it was shot in Mollans.
Mairie managed to prevaricate its way out of pruning the trees
opposite my house (never underestimate the ability to prevaricate in
Provence) but I've ploughed ahead with my gardening plans. The back
has been looking good for some time although the Banksia rose is more
or less over no; but the other roses will kick in soon and a couple
of dahlia tubers are sprouting nicely on my kitchen windowsill and
will add to the colour later on (photo below)
take-over of the Mairie's pot in front of the wash-house, with its
Banksia rose and clematis, has also worked well this year and is
being appreciated particularly by neighbour Mercedes, whose house is
opposite, so she tells me (photo below)
now the front (photo below) is beginning to look good too. I managed
to get a new blue pot onto the roof of my porch and I think (hope?)
it's stable there, barring any exceptional winds. Visitors to the
village and even some villagers are already taking photos so some
people at least think it looks good. The shade makes photos
difficult but I've done my best.
In General……..
This is
my time of the year. The garden is done, barring casualties, and all
that remains there is for the plants to do their stuff (and rather a
lot of watering). Asparagus, strawberries and melons are plentiful
and reasonably priced in the shops and markets; the asparagus will be
finished in another month but the strawberries and melons should
remain for most of the summer. Peaches and apricots from Spain (of
variable quality) are appearing in the shops which means that the
local produce is only a few weeks away. My fruit-aholic cravings
will soon be fully met.
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