Thursday, 27 January 2022

CCapitalism Abd Democracy

Capitalism And Democracy

My strating point is what we can rely on as most unlikely to change. Economically I think that we can assume that the world will be driven by capitalism in one form or another. Poylitically it will be driven by democray in one form or another or dictatorships. To think in terms of dictatorships would be to think in terms of almost ineviable war and destrcution of everything, including the human race. So wehave to hope for democracy and the model to follow I think is in Scandinavia.

If we examine the Scaninavian counries they all embrace capitalism and democracy with some differencies in how they do it but all do it in ways that that avoid extremes of wealth/poverty and political exremes. The tndancies to these exremes exist within them but are restricted to a large extent. The other, less obviously political etremes , are wealth and poverty which, if extreme, tend towards political ewtremes. So these too need to be factored in.

So the force against xhich democracy and capitalism have to fight is communism which, in practice if not in heory, appears to rely on dictatorship whilst promising if not necessarily delivering equitable wealth distribution. So, if we wnt democracy we have to have capialism. The question the is: what kind of capitalism?

One example of an extreme form of capitalism can be found in the USA, which has some of the wealthiest people in the world and also some of the most deprived iamong developed countries. Other countries with in the economicqlly developed orld mitigate against the extremes of capitalism in various ways, to a larger or smaller extent. It’s a question of wh has got the best balance and my bet is that the Scaninavian countries have achieved that. Wealth generated by capitalism appears to be more equitably shred in these countries which have, amongst contempories, both higher employee earning and higher taxes, both anathrma to pure capitalism. Isn’t there a lesson to be learned there?


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