Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Boules And A Film

The Unwritten Rules Of Boules
The regulated rules for the game are known to most players but the unwritten rules can be just as important. Here is a guide to the latter

1 You never ever play badly

2 If your boule goes way past the cosh, it must have hit a stone or slipped from your hand.
Shouting “Ah, elle m'a glissé de la main” will confirm that your shot would have been good

3 If your ball falls short, it must have hit an invisible deep patch of dust or gravel

4 NB Since stones, gravel and dust make up all boules terrains, one or other of these explanations must be true

5 If you fail in some other way, such as not spotting the shot that everyone else can see
is required, you have to offer an explanation along the lines of “Ah, but if I had hit that
boule on this side and that boule had ricocheted on to that side of that other boule and....

6 If your opponent throws a ball that appears to stop equidistant from the cosh to yours,
you have to exclaim “Le point est toujours à moi”. If your opponent demands that the
distances be measured and the result is unfavourable to you, you must demand to inspect
the tape and regard it overtly with extreme suspicion. The delay afforded by asking for a
third opinion will help your opponent to forget how he put his boule where it is

7 If your opponent's boule nearly beats yours but just fails to do so, it is only courteous to say “Quel dommage”. The effect on your opponent's game of repeatedly saying this is not your responsibility

8 If you win a game it is only courteous to look sad and say “Désolé “. If you win 13-0 you
could politely add “Vous n'avez pas eu de chance” and suggest a return game

Fortunately, the players in my village are well aware of the unwritten as well as the formal rules and adhere to both.

More Boules
I went to Buis to watch some exhibition games played by players from all around France. Small stands had been erected around the terrains and it was very pleasant sitting in the sun and watching the play. However I was also slightly depressed by seeing a standard of play I couldn't even aspire too, let alone reach. I shall have to be content with being “good enough” for games in and around the village. As it happened, I went to play in the afternoon and played very well, but by my standards not those I had been watching.

A Film

A film is being made in the village. It is apparently exactly 20 years since a group of Dutch youths who were staying in the village decided to walk up Mt Ventoux. On the way down, one of them fell and was killed. The film is to commemorate that event. I shall probably enjoy seeing the film if I get a chance, even if it is in Dutch, but at the moment it is a considerable nuisance. Parts of the village have restricted access and if you are within 100 yards of the action you are told not to talk or only in whispers. I'll be happy when the film crew move off to Mt Ventoux.

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